Daylight Savings Time is so awesome. I love trying to convince my kid to go to bed while the sun is still up, get out of bed before the sun comes back up, wear gloves and a jacket because the bike ride to school now happens at the absolute coldest part of the night, and ride the long way to school because the usual route is full of drivers who are now staring directly into the sunrise.

What's not to love?

@DrTCombs I too enjoy being inconvenienced and suffering long-term health effects for no conclusive reason other than because some bored guys last century came up with that terrible idea so they could spend more time playing golf or catching insects.


@ppn I imagine it went something like this:

Golfer dudes: sun's up, let's keep playing golf!
Caddies: well, we have to close things up so we can go home and tend to our families, so we can't carry your stuff anymore tonight.
Golfer dudes: no bother, we'll just change the clocks and force you to stay out later so we can keep enjoying our leisure time

@ppn truly is nothing but a way to force the working class to accommodate the recreational habits of a handful of elites.

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