
traffic violence 

TIL there is a 'lifted trucks' subreddit comprised of serious questions about how to raise the height of pickup trucks to make them "more aggressive" interspersed with jokes about murdering children.

traffic violence 

@DrTCombs I still remember the time my sister was buying headlights at an auto parts store, and some guys came in asking for some "asshole bright headlights" to "blind people in their mirrors"

traffic violence 

@DrTCombs Just letting you know that I actually appreciate the trigger warning. Lately, all the talk (and seeing it in action) of SUVs, jerks with pick up trucks, "roads are for cars" nonsense, has led me into a spiral of doom and for the first time in my life I talked to a therapist about getting anti-depressants.

The North American life is killing me with this.

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