Looking for peer-reviewed studies on cell phone distraction! Specifically, how long users *think* they are distracted when they look at their phone vs. how long they are *actually* distracted.
I know I've come across some in the past, but not finding them right now.

Context can be driving or classroom situations!


more context on my interest...

When normally high performing, highly-engaged students look at their phones during class, I assume they are only planning to glance at it, and do not expect to get sucked in. And I suspect they are not truly aware of how long they actually spend engaged with their phone instead of with the class. (2/n)

If there is research that supports my hypothesis that there is a gap between the time these normally highly-engaged students think they spend glancing at their phone vs how long they actually spend interacting with their phone during class, I would like to show it to them.

And if the research says, "oh, they know exactly how long they are distracted and they're doing it any," well, that's a different issue I need to tackle! (3/n)


And honestly I hope it's the latter, even though that would mean it's my fault for having boring lectures.

But if it's the former -- that high performing students think they are glancing when they are truly disengaged from their surroundings for several minutes at a time, well, that's terrifying.
(4/4, probably)

@DrTCombs this thread makes me glad I went to college before smartphones and before laptops out in class all the time

@mdickens I know! I had a hard enough time getting through college with just a pencil and paper to distract me.

"Back in my day, we ignored our professors by doodling teddy bears in the margins of our notebooks"

@DrTCombs Please share if you find something! I have the same issues with my undergrads. I'm also worried about the next gen--at my 11 year old's school they issue a laptop to every student. As far as I can tell it's only effect is to make him distracted, addicted to screens, and an expert at surfing YouTube.

OMG same. My 10yo spends the majority of her school day on her school--issued laptop. It really does feel like the school is trying to distract kids with laptops to keep them from being bored.

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