Look. I know I'm cynical, but I'm just not comfortable using my credit card to pledge money to a private company that will then coerce my child to run laps around a gym while calling it a "Fun Run" in order to increase the amount of money said company 'gives' back to my child's school.

But I'm trying to keep an open mind.

Anyone out here ever heard of a company called "My Booster" or maybe "Boosterthon" (it's unclear)?

@DrTCombs Erm, no, but it stinks to high heaven. How much swag did they give the superintendent or the principal?

@DrTCombs Tho' having been closer to the inside, the other huge factor is that b/c schools are horribly underfunded, nobody has resources to ... raise the money missing, so somebody doing it for you is tempting and they prob'ly sell it as "better than selling overpriced chocolate!" I want to figure out a way to teach the students creative credit card hacking.

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