I just shifted my weight in my desk chair. Dog 1 twitches. Dog 2 notices twitch and looks up. Dog 1 notices Dog 2 looking up and jumps up. Dog 2 notices Dog 1 jumping up and also jumps up. Dog 1 notices Dog 2 also jump up and barks. Dog 2 notices Dog 1 bark and leaps off the sofa. Dog 1 notices Dog 2 leap off the sofa and starts sprinting to the door. Dog 2 notices Dog 1 sprint to the door and also sprints to the 2. Both dogs now jumping at the door barking their fool heads off.

@DrTCombs Ha ha. That sounds very familiar.
All day, every day, all dogs. Completely bonkers.

@hembrow they can go from unconscious to complete chaos in 2 seconds because you wiggled your toes a little

@DrTCombs One of ours had to have a canine tooth removed recently. From our point of view it's a 25% improvement. The newspaper now only gets three perforations instead of four.

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