I just got back from a grocery run, and holy crap. The difference in temperature between a greenway in the woods and a sidewalk next to a multilane road is mindboggling. The greenway was almost pleasant. The road felt more like the surface of the sun.

It's almost* as if continuing to coddle drivers by building out more and more roads is actually contributing to the global heat wave we're living in right now. [*sarcasm]

For those who really want to explain urban heat to me, save yourself the trouble.

Urban heat is a thing because cities are covered in concrete, and concrete traps and then radiates heat.

Cities are covered in concrete because of cars.

IT'S THE CARS. Cars are the reason cities are hot, noisy, stinky, dirty, and expensive.

@DrTCombs didn’t tarred roads come to be because of bicycles?

(Edited out my mansplaining. Sorry. 🤦)


But bikes require far less paved space--and far less cleared space along roadways--than do cars. Orders of magnitude less paved space.

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