
she's 4'8"

this is part of her route home from school

we, as a society, simply do not care about children's lives

@DrTCombs You're saying that dulie is not a reasonable vehicle to be parked on a street less than twice it's width? *shocking*

@thehomespundays @DrTCombs I do more work hauling stuff DAILY with a jetta and trailer than that pavement princess has done it's entire life.

@DrTCombs This is beyond insane. When will people start driving around in Kenworth trucks??


@paul @DrTCombs Part of the problem AFAIK is that these trucks (and if I'm not mistaken most SUVs too) are regulated similarly to farming trucks, not subjects to the same emission controls as smaller cars. In other words we don't care about the health of those who survive past childhood neither 😬

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