Waving cyclists through stop signs when it's not their turn is not "helpful." It's confusing, frustrating, and puts us in harm's way.


@DrTCombs it's kinda like they were trying to protect you from the next driver. I probably would have taken the turn in this case (here where rolling stops are legal on a bike) but there definitely are some places where the driver is not aware of what danger they're waving you into.


@enobacon Here's why I still wouldn't go.
1. I can't see the driver's intent because of the glare.
2. I don't know what the guy behind her is going to do. I can see his face, and it' doesn't look friendly. What anti-cyclist biases will Iwereinforce for him if we go out of turn?
3. I don't know what the driver behind me is going to do. Is he about to get impatient and pull around on my left if I do suddenly decide to go?....

4. It's a dangerous precedent. Yeah, it might have been safe to go out of turn in this situation, but maybe not next time. I don't want that driver thinking they've got the ability to adequately judge risk on my behalf.
5. We aren't in a safety stop state.
6. I have my kid with me. If I go out of turn I'll hear about it for weeks.

For us, there's no gray area.

@DrTCombs it's hard to tell from the video and you were there so it's your call. But, it looks like almost a tie or maybe the driver thought you were there first, maybe the kid was. I'm not sure how 3 is geometrically possible but yeah drivers try stupid stuff. Sad about 5, IMO that's the cause of this whole conflict, or this intersection could have been a roundabout.

@enobacon the video never captures the full extent of the egregiousness of drivers.

In this case, they'd beaten us to the intersection by several seconds. IMO we'd all have gotten through faster had they paused and proceeded than had the kid and I taken the wave-through.

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