I was so caught up in that I didn't connect the dots between the report I'm attempting to finalize today--on how can better help cities and towns prepare for and recover from major disruptive events--and the fact that NCDOT has declared the entire western NC transportation system closed until further notice.

I actually gasped.

This report I'm finalizing today--the product of a years' long research effort--might actually help someone tomorrow.

Many of the communities who made staff available to assist in our research are now devastated. Inundated with flood waters, buried under feet-thick mud, with supply lines completely cut off.

It's just breathtaking to be revisiting those conversations right now.

@DrTCombs Sending love to all affected. We’re in SW VA but have many friends and family and memories in W NC.


I mourn for the loss of their normality. I can’t imagine how you feel.

I hope your report helps all of the people of NC, except for a certain few.

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