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When this development was pitched to the , it was allegedly going to be "the most bike and pedestrian friendly neighborhood in North Carolina."


My sister has goats. They are ridiculous and their boops make everything better.

Packaging: This toy is made out of firehose canvas, reinforced with rubber, sewn with a single threaad to maximize durability and indestructability.

Puppy: Challenge accepted.

Y'all. Please help! We have one dog who lives to snuggle with toys, and another who lives to rip them to shreds. There has got to be a toy somewhere that the sweet snuggler and the mouthful of razors can both enjoy, right? Please???

please help.

This is what we think about the school's weekly shame-based behavior report.

I think my favorite thing about getting around by bike isn't the convenience or the cost, but the variety of landscapes we get to experience on bikes. In the 2 miles between home and my kid's school, we get to see old mill houses, a wooded wetland (with wildlife!), golf course, posh mcmansions, woods, a meadow, a pond, a busy arterial, a big commercial intersection, a playground, and a construction site.
In a car you get to see...the inside of your car. And taillights.

cool, yet another platform using a pic of my kid to argue about male genitalia and whether kids have a right to not die, with the occasional 'it has a camera so it's all good' thrown in for good measure.

if you're on threads and feel so inclined, go pile on.

Makes my heart sing to see these two friends biking home from school together.
Makes my stomach turn to see the crappy infrastructure they've been provided.

We are failing our children when we refuse to provide them safe, dignified streets.

Y'all, she's 53 inches tall.
4 feet, 5 inches.
And still not tall enough to "be seen."

Saw this on the old place (h/t @marcelmoran) and thought, geez, that's a lot of places that are too cold, hot, rainy, snowy, and/or hilly to bike on that list of top 20 cities for bike commuting.

Why simply park your car in a when you can dump a couple truckloads of gravel in it, spill some into a storm drain, and block a fire hydrant, in a school zone, on ?

Yesterday, this cool kid--with her bright red bike, hot pink helmet, dual blinkies, and rotating rainbow wheel lights--waited at a high-viz crosswalk in a school zone while 7 adult drivers pretended not to see her.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!