Top tips for keeping your kids' feet dry while biking to school?

Biking in the rain = GOOD!
Soggy socks all day = not so good...

police violence 

I was going to write a thread about the 'strava thing' this morning but have been derailed by the 'nypd shot a bystander in the head because someone else tried to use public transit for free' thing

Stop giving cops an excuse to shoot bystanders in the head while saving millions in public dollars every year with one weird trick...

Tab Combs boosted

When there's only one road connecting two parts of town, and that road's an urban freeway, and it only has a sidewalk on one side, it's not ok to park a utility truck on the sidewalk.

We made it through OK, but opted for the 3 mile detour (in has its own huge safety challenges) on the way home.

Hey all. I have a fantastic student looking for mentorship on an and research project in The Netherlands. If you're working in that space or know someone who is, please send me a message!

We had a really, really rough this morning. I can't even begin to express my gratitude for the teacher who came to meet us at the bike rack for hugs, because she looked out her window and saw the tears.

are living saints.

Tab Combs boosted

Are you waving at me? Are you swatting at a fly? Are you trying to fling a booger?

I don't know!

So I'm just gonna sit here and wait my turn while you get your shit together.

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Waving cyclists through stop signs when it's not their turn is not "helpful." It's confusing, frustrating, and puts us in harm's way.

Brain: Hey I know it's only 2 am but you wanna make a list of every unfinished writing project we're working on?

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