
The City of Cambridge is recruiting for members of the Planning Board! If you are awesome, please apply!

The Planning Board usually meets 2-4 times each month on Tuesday evenings at 6:30PM. Meetings can last about 3-4 hours. Plus, 2-4 hours before each meeting reviewing materials such as plans and documents.

Members get a $6K annual stipend.

Apply with cover letter and CV here by March 6:

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I had said publicly awhile back that I would be applying, but I'm backtracking on that. Life is very much in the way, i can't make that kind of time commitment.


Does the planning board have real decision making authority, or is it all just recommendations for the city manager or something like that?

@ceresbzns just advisory, i think, as with most such planning boards. But as a required speed bump along the way, they have quite a bit of soft power that they can wield with/against developers. As the PB has increasingly veered away from the general tenor of city council, i think they want to bring in some fresh blood to make sure their priorities are being represented up front.

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