
BREAKING - Separated bike lanes are safer than traditional bike lanes, and upgrading a traditional bike lane to separated can be expected to cut crash rates in half, based on a new exposure-adjusted safety study from FHWA.

Full study will be out soon. I’m so glad that this is out. Besides being a BFD, I’ve been trying and occasionally failing not to blurt this finding out for months

@bikepedantic I can understand. My first thought was "I need to get city council to read this immediately!”

@wordshaper the full paper is a monster. The models they built to estimate bicycling volumes are venti

@bikepedantic I kinda want to read the original paper. (Looks like I may need to hunt at least a tiny bit as the DOI link at the end of the report doesn't work) Something for a casual weekend, I guess.

@bikepedantic Ah, that'd do it. From the footer info on the last page I thought it had a Feb '23 publication date and something was just a little wrong somewhere. (I know, I know... broken links? On the *internet*? No, that could never happen! :)

I shall wait for its release, I guess.

@bikepedantic @wordshaper Will they publish those models? (Are the models published already? We have to keep our nasa climate model available for public download… is this true fro fwta) NYC’s bike counters are so sparse… my self-assigned data project is to try to convert citibike usage to bike counts with some clever regression models. But real forward models would be awesome.

@bikepedantic Woo! going to share this with some local bike groups.

Really on recently, we’ve been changing them up here in A2, MI.
But what a difference!
Couldn’t agree more.

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