Just got a letter from the BZA offering me the chance to comment at a meeting on a neighbor’s plan to:

“Add windows in the setback to a proposed as-of-right dormer…”

On the next street over.

I have… many comments, but I don’t want to endanger the ability of my neighbors to get the blessing of this kangaroo court.

@bikepedantic I know some land use restrictions and requirements are good and necessary, but sometimes you look at what people are doing with them and are really tempted to just burn them to the ground.

@wordshaper i can't believe this is how we exercise absolute power over land use, and who we allow to exercise that power.

@bikepedantic it’s deeply stupid. Chemical plant next to a school? Sure! (if it’s a predominantly POC school) But a window? Well, y’know, not so fast it might change the character of the neighborhood or something.


@wordshaper Crackpot theory: If we made it less difficult (/expensive) for the average homeowner to do the harmless shit they want to to their own property, maybe they’d be like 5% less likely to complain when other people want to do the same on theirs

@bikepedantic Frankly I'm close to the opinion that if it doesn't put extra stress on the local utilities and isn't a safety hazard (and we have some pretty good regs on what counts. Some bad ones, sure, but mostly good) then it's good unless proved otherwise.

I'm not sure it'd stop anyone complaining 'cause let's be honest most of the people complaining *enjoy* that (as much as they can enjoy anything in what's an otherwise sad and bitter little life) but it would at least make public hearings about nonsense shorter.

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