There’s a presumption in the mainstream transpo field (and elsewhere of course) that people assume a level of unalterable risk when they choose to ride a bicycle, and I think that’s bullshit.


We can absolutely eliminate the risk, we know how, we mostly choose not to, and let's at least be honest about that.

· · Web · 1 · 8 · 26

When someone is killed on a bicycle, they did not sign any goddamn waivers. They did not indemnify the owners of our shit streets. Until we at least acknowledge this, their deaths are depressingly easy to gloss over.

Anyway, join our webinar tomorrow at 1PM ET, where we talk about how separated bike lanes are safer (duh), and how we should maybe do more of them on higher-speed roads.

@itamarst the first part is, yes. Won't be going too deep into methods, etc, we're planning a longer one this summer when the full report posts

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