The US Government needs an independent apolitical agency overseeing our climate change response (including/especially the transpo elements) in the same manner as the NTSB does for transpo safety.

@bikepedantic In theory I like this, in practice NTSB oversees a system that results in around 45,000 deaths yearly 😬


@ATLpaul Under previous leadership, NTSB's focus on roadway safety wasn't quite what it is today, and i don't think one can read their recent recommendations and think, "these guys are clueless." They are a reliable voice telling us what needs to be done, and that's something the executive needs in re climate change mitigation.

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@bikepedantic Not to be glass half-empty, but that sounds like a fail to me. An organization that has good recommendations that aren't required and aren't implemented? That's business as usual for climate change.

@ATLpaul Plenty of NTSB recommendations on roadway safety are being implemented. I'm in charge of implementing one.

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