
Lavender plant that I’d given up for dead staging an unexpected comeback

@bikepedantic are they hard to grow? They always seem so hearty.

@Punkaboo right? Everyone else seems to have these big wild bushes of it, while I’m hitting like .250 lifetime. Sun, well-drained soil, and they’re supposed to thrive.

Anyway, this little scrapper is the runt of four that I planted this spring, and the other three have been doing ok

@bikepedantic I lived in LA during the pandemic and during my daily walks I came to see how lavender LOVES the LA climate. Maybe they just hate Boston hahaha 😂

@Punkaboo most of my lavender failure was in Arlington VA, where my neighbor directly across the street had like a freakin meadow of the shit. Taunting me every day with its fragrant flowers

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