Finally rode the full GLX trail legally, and let’s stipulate from the start that it’s wonderful, too narrow, and will get used to death. A few other down-in-the-weeeds thoughts (1/x)

Trailside bike cage for East Somerville green line station is pretty cool

Every one of the street-grade crossings is god’s way of telling us that they oughta be underpasses.

But this School St one, where eastbound trail users are turned away from oncoming School st drivers, is a really defective design that will get someone hurt or worse.


For a trail that was delayed opening to remediate accessibility issues, has anyone noted that the big ole viaduct over the train tracks doesn’t have the ADA required level landings every 100’ for respite? Seem like a pretty glaring accessibility biff.

Finally, what’s the deal with the solid yellow line running the entire length? Is the implication that we’re not supposed to pass anyone anywhere?

@bikepedantic I think it’s implicit acknowledgment that the trail is too narrow. 😂

@andr_w that’s what they all say til they spend a week in solitary

@bikepedantic is that 3% or 5%? It feels like 5 but 3 doesn’t require landings.

@Ofsevit yeah the requirement only for 5% grade, but atmo that viaduct is definitely a constant 5%

@bikepedantic I think it’s “more than” 5% and I’d bet the plan for that is 4.9%. As to what the contractor built …

@Ofsevit it’s not, it’s 5%. I worked on a trail project where we had to do a lot of extra work to get into compliance

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