Waiting at a corner at a light to change aboard my rather-unique cargobike, a VW Golf packed with my kid’s classmates screamed out, “HI ELLIE’S DAD!!!”

I cannot overstate the ego boost that results from operating a vehicle that makes you locally famous(ish) with kids.

@bikepedantic The power that unique bikes like yours and SCUL have for recognisability is always so awesome and makes me wish I had more ideas for my bikes

@max_in_somer @bikepedantic stickers, colorful bar tape/grips, colorful pedals, bottle cages, and colorful brake/shift cable housing are all options to make an off the shelf bike a little more distinctive!

@max_in_somer @bikepedantic (also if anyone knows who owns the bike in the background of that pic I want to be friends with them because they have good aesthetic taste!)

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