@bikepedantic Well, good! It was a bad decision and I'm glad they have reversed course.

I literally tested one out the week before GM announced it was discontinuing the Bolt, and it infuriated me. The bloat of over-sized EVs needs to stop, and more lower-price options is very welcome.

@forpeterssake Feel like the Tesla 3 and Hyundai Ioniq 6 are kinda showing the way - that peoples' range anxiety clears up around 300+ miles, and that the only way to practically get that kind of range is with a sensible car.

@bikepedantic Those are both some of the most attractive options on the market, but they're both still too pricey. $60k+ for Ioniq 6, I believe. I'd love to drive it, to be clear, I just don't think that's a reasonable amount to spend on a car.


@forpeterssake oh yeah, pricing is absolutely out of control too. And both are out for me, i am a hatchback lover. A 300+ mile Bolt at a reasonable price would interest me far more.

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@bikepedantic I'd also like to see Nissan step up its game and create a Leaf 3 with better range. It's a pretty nice car to drive, it's reasonably priced, but the current max range is only 364km/226 miles. If they increased that slightly to around 300 miles, I think it would be a really attractive option.

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