Theory: People on bikes are far more apt to comply with traffic controls - even at a time penalty - when they are explicitly intended for them. Think bike-specific signal faces.

Hunchy anecdata: Bike riders seem to wait for the short bike-exclusive community path crossing of Mass Ave at Cedar at even higher rate than peds wait for their earlier and longer-phase crossings. (I cede to @sofio wisdom here tho)

@bikepedantic @sofio If things are clearly designed for cyclists, I will absolutely be more likely to wait for the proper phase, otherwise I don't mind getting thru the intersection ASAP


@DemonHusky me too. i think it's not just us zealots though. research shows greater compliance among all riders, but seeing peds go across Mass Ave/Cedar on red while a platoon of bikes waits every time i pass through, i think the effect is even greater than i'd hope. Similar at Minuteman/Lake @sofio

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