Riding through Kendall Square and Wellington/Harrington today reminded me of the tremendous opportunity we lost in Crystal City/Pentagon City in Arlington VA

@bikepedantic my neighbor works for Amazon in Crystal City, and they just announced a program with Conte’s bikes that if you agree to bike to work, they will pay for an annual bike rental through Conte’s - anything up to a $7k road bike. Too bad the roads won’t be best in class…

@Will @bikepedantic the bike lease reimbursement has been in place for a while, just Conte's as an option is new. Previously the only offerings were direct with brands.

@nikkid @Will notably, Conte’s was the only LBS that would accept the JBG/Amazon golden handshake lease

@bikepedantic @nikkid corporate America embracing bikes is unequivocally good , even if it offends one’s personal punk rock / never sell out sensibilities. Give me a thousand corporate deals between Deloitte and Trek/Specialized. You can still go curate a Crust bike in your spare time.

@bikepedantic @nikkid new collab to consider: Berkshire Hathaway buys which undervalued bike brand and makes it succeed by sticking to its core values, but capitalizing it to national scale?
Everybody go with your answer, and I’m sorry, but I already know the correct response.

@bikepedantic @nikkid correct. I could also see them buying SOMA or some other brand with nice steel frames made in Taiwan. Probably they would need to find someone with at least a small presence in eBikes, which QBP has.

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