A selection of moments showing how even in Cambridge, there are no truly car-free spaces. If it fits on it, they will drive on it.

Alt text for above:

Pic 1, A full sized garbage truck seen from rear occupies entire width of a trail. People stand on the grass verge looking on.

Pic 2, Seen from rear, a van stops alongside a dropoff box of some sort. Someone walking two dogs approaches on the trail the van is stopped on.

Pic 3, Seen from side from within a park, a Cambridge Animal Control and Rescue van drives on a shared-use path.

By the way, there's certainly real reasons that access by full-sized motor vehicles may be needed. And as in all things, a precise definition of "need" is perhaps badly needed.

Emergency services responding to an emergency. Construction vehicles for major construction with no other access.

Those make sense to me.
Otherwise: you're using the wrong vehicles for the job.


@Gurre i think you've captured like 98% of a complete policy right there.

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