A selection of moments showing how even in Cambridge, there are no truly car-free spaces. If it fits on it, they will drive on it.

@bikepedantic One of the major north-south bike trails in Columbus was recently shut down for months so they could rebuild a bridge to allow ambulances to drive on it. There's no good access for emergency services on that trail, so it makes sense, but there was also no safe detour for riders.

Trash collections drive on the walking path in my local park; they're slowly damaging the pavement.


@benlk Definitely a few good lessons in there: Plan and design trails for EMS vehicle access, because there's almost always a need. Accomodate trail traffic during major work because you would for drivers. And if you're designing a trail that allows for even one driver to drive on it ("no entrance barriers, because cop cars need access in an emergency"), you have to design it to be as resilient as a road, because that's what it is now.

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