Here we go: City is kicking off outreach for Cambridge St (east of Inman) for separated bike lanes and other improvements. Open House Nov 29.

From their project page, a plurality of injury crashes were driver vs. bicyclist.


I'm a pessimist, and I believe that this one will be where Joan Pickett fully mobilizes her goblin army to water down the CSO. I know that the City will do a great job crossing t's and dotting i's, but i'm frankly dreading this process.

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@bikepedantic I'm interested to see what happens with this side of town. So much of the vitriol on Mass Ave was driven by a few business and commercial real estate owners on Mass Ave who teamed up with the already conservative west Cambridge Garden Street-adjacent folks.

@TiconderogaNo1 @bikepedantic The East Cambridge Business Association has been fighting safe infrastructure for years, so it's not going to be any different.

@bikepedantic what power does she actually have besides being one vote on the city council?

@Zeke I think actual power is dwarfed by how a seat on council amplifies her hijinx. She can now pummel us with confusing deceptively milquetoast policy orders that make advocates mobilize, she’ll have a paid professional staffer to write those orders, and she’ll now be a more quotable figure in general

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