
Cambridge maintains their separated bike lanes and trails year-round, so we keep on using them year round. Thank you, DPW!

@bikepedantic The snow in that space between the lanes gives at least as much a /feeling/ of separation as the "placed objects" - whatever they are - evidence /nobody/ crosses into or parks in the bike lane ;-]. Some kind of grass or robust-vegetation verge would carry the effect through the seasons if it didnt just accumulate litter etc. Too much to hope for even in Cambs?

@wavesculptor Cambridge is very good about planning for transitions from quick-build to permanent projects. This particular spot (built 2021) is currently undergoing outreach/design for a 'medium' build upgrade redesign that likely won't have space for full vegetated barriers or sidewalk-grade lanes, but harder barrier media is extremely likely. Planned o be built next year, i think?

@bikepedantic how was the black ice on your route today? Mine was only a problem on DCR controlled portions

@Kevin haven't ridden today. but yeah, there was a noticeable difference when crossing jurisdictional lines yesterday

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