
The automotive engineer who first said, “hey let’s use the horn as the user feedback to let em know the remote locks locked”:

@bikepedantic That's always a jarring difference when spending time in Germany vs the US.

@bikepedantic haha yeah, my kid found my keys one day and was delighted to discover that feature.

@bikepedantic do people not know you can turn this feature off or not care?

@bikepedantic For all the problems of EVs, I'm actually glad they're pushing companies to do full-on exterior sound design. Now there isn't an excuse to come up with new audio cues that aren't a horn or engine rev.

@bikepedantic also for the car companies that still have car alarms. Who actually finds those helpful?!

@bikepedantic @inliuofjoan the person who added a panic button to my keyfob that I have only ever hit by accident.

@bikepedantic I always feel like using the horn like that is a sign of cheapness of the car.
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