
Imagine if we had implemented the Interstate Highway System alphabetically by state? Too often, active transportation networks are built out in exactly that patchy way.

We just posted a new $44.5M grant opportunity that is different:

1) Just for active transportation,
2) Focused on planning and implementing *networks*,
3) Aims for outcomes beyond safety.

Learn more about ATIIP:

The thing I noticed the most was the title. Its from the Biden-Harris administration.
I dont think I ever saw tRump-Pence.
Its good to show that he is running an inclusive #administrative and is building up the next generation, planning for the future.
Just another point for those who dont understand the difference between the #Republicans and the #Democrats.

Democracy is more than how we vote.

@bikepedantic thanks for finding this.

Active Transportation Infrastructure Investment Program (ATIIP) #atiip

TIIP will award two types of grants: Planning and Design #grants and #Construction grants.
The salient word here is construction 😃 and the time to apply is NOW.

contact your local government and make sure someone is working on this.
#bike, #ebike, #bikeTrail #bikeLane #bikeRide

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