As incredibly shitty and watered-down as the ACA was, it’s still nicely bizarre to this Gen-Xer to no longer think have to think about pre-existing conditions, or to have to 100% dismiss career moves because health insurance

Am I perpetually one health insurance snafu away from moving back to Canada? Of course. But it’s nice that our system is like 2% less inhumane now

Still, though: For a country that seemingly idolizes entrepreneurship, why we don’t provide people who want to strike out and try something new and daring with an easy public option for insuring their own health is fucking beyond me.


New Day One Law: Everyone appearing on Shark Tank is asked their health insurance situation.

@bikepedantic I did the math on becoming an independent consultant in 2004. As someone with a pre-existing medical condition, it was not financially feasible at all.

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