@bikepedantic "how DARE you build infrastructure that exposes the fundamental problems of urban driving"

@bikepedantic sure the EVIDENCE says that but the vibes disagree, and who ya gonna trust?

@geoff_green @bikepedantic On my projects, I've put in 15 of these in the past 2 years, with another 7 of them coming up this year. They absolutely work!

@Will @bikepedantic are you basing that on silly “evidence,” such as crash reduction or pedestrian comfort? Because the vibes are telling me something different!

@geoff_green @bikepedantic They do get hit by cars with frequency, and my reaction to that is...

@bikepedantic love the old white guy complaining that cars drive poorly because there is less road.

Also the person driving down the bike lane should have their vehicle impounded for gross incompetence.

@bikepedantic but she assures me that the FHWA recommends not putting pedestrian islands here.

@bikepedantic Why is the answer to 'Drivers can't drive' always removing infrastructure protection for those who don't drive?

@bikepedantic the answer is to pay fucking attention AT ALL TIMES when you are behind the wheel. That’s the brief you idiot

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