
TFW a driver rages at you for 100% complying with traffic laws

@bikepedantic my favorite is getting honked at while waiting at a red light behind other cars on a street with no shoulder (specifically, Rindge)

Like, I'm doing everything legally, but there isn't even another option to be "courteous"

@bikepedantic Once I was trying to cross Newport Ave and I had a red light so I was just standing there, and a driver going across stopped, waited a while, and then started yelling at me because I refused to run the red directly in front of his deadly weapon.

@bikepedantic still upset about the guy who nearly side-swiped my family last week while yelling at us to use the one-way bike lane running the wrong direction. definitely worth endangering our lives to rush to a solidly red light!

@bikepedantic I once had a psycho in a monster truck report me to the PD as an “erratic operator” (possible drunk) because I came to a complete stop before turning right on red. You know, like the law requires.

The police officer and I had a nice conversation a few minutes later, before sending him off to converse with the a-hole. 😎

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