@bikepedantic I dropped a see-click-fix complaint for the parking lot on the bike path at alewife. I’m sure the answer is “the workers need to park there.”

Probably to save the $7 it would cost to park at the garage (which I’m sure the T could comp anyway).

@Ofsevit like, the station's closed! it's not even like they're gonna displace people paying to park!

@bikepedantic I have heard that an email went out from the T about not parking on the pathy part of the bike path.

Also I don’t think the station fills up these days like it did in the past.

@Ofsevit yeah, even when the red line is 'on,' it does not fill up like in the past. But try telling that to my Nextdoor neighbors, when i posted the news that MBTA is putting out an Alewife joint development RFP

@bikepedantic really annoying to be at the pedal and park prepping for the adult bike bus this morning and have someone in a big pickup truck ask me to move so he could park on the sidewalk we were standing on.

@crschmidt @bikepedantic what's the plan for adult bike bus? Spouse forwarded me a "for-more-information" email address and a volunteer sign-up sheet, but also "we only need one per day" but the volunteers they had picked ridiculous departure times (8am, e.g.). Never heard back from them, so, ???

@dr2chase @bikepedantic I think the answer is "It exists, the announcement email that I saw only mentioned doing it the first week, the groups have been very small and I think they have volunteers for leading the group for each day this week."


This is the announcement I saw, which was enough to get me out of bed; this morning, there was someone from the Bicycle Committee, myself and another experienced cyclist, and one new cyclist who rode with us to Central.

@dr2chase @bikepedantic It's not clear to me that this was well enough advertised to be more successful, and the heat + humidity haven't helped. It seemed like maybe some people thought it was also happening next week, but the link above seems pretty clearly to indicate otherwise.

Given the limited number of participants, I don't think additional volunteering is necessary for this round.

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