I am tired of people who associate bicyclists running red lights with new bike facilities, implicitly questioning whether they should exist.

It’s a problem when bicyclists buzz and even hit pedestrians. But as someone who doesn’t do that on a bike, you imply that making my kid and I less safe to pay for the sons of others is a valid option.

@bikepedantic honestly the real problem at least where I live is that the lights take too long to change, and there are so many intersections that it just feels like less of a hassle to run red lights even when there's a separate bicycle light


The very real issue of how most streets are operated in a way that disadvantages people on bikes is the sort of thing we’d focus heavily on remediating if we thought that people on bikes were humans.

@bikepedantic In SF most red lights change pretty frequently (a nice little rest break, as long as you don't hit every one). But in the newly built Mission Bay neighborhood the roads have a suburban feel & you can wait minutes for them to change. :-(

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