
I don’t engage in shorting, and don’t invest in jndividual equities, but gosh there’s so much more market cap that needs to be sliced off this company

@bikepedantic But didn’t you hear? They’re going to sell humanoid robots to everyone next year. 🙄

@kcivey @bikepedantic It was down to 142 back in April. Tesla is Exhibit 1A whenever my wife tries the "you studied economics, why don't you use that to make money in the stock market?" line of questioning with me. As someone who "studied economics" the stock market is not rational (to me, at least) and so I would lose money quickly.

@bikepedantic Given that car companies P/E ratios usually hover around 5, and the best at the moment is around 8... yeah, if it reverts to the mean for the industry then the price should be around $30, max.

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