@bikepedantic the fact that the post was tagged “technology” makes me fear that the proposed solution will be autonomous cars

@petes_bread_eqn_xls @bikepedantic perhaps the tech solution would be a breathalyzer integrated into the ignition system of all motor vehicles. I feel like I've heard that proposal before.

@bikepedantic If only he were someone who administered roads and highways, possibly on a federal level. Maybe then he could do something about this tragedy...

@bikepedantic it’s incredibly unclear, are they advocating for better bike safety, or are they saying that the biker is at fault here?? I’m really hoping it’s the former, but cynically expecting the latter

@bikepedantic This. This is why people don't bike as much as the should and/or would like to. Fear of dangerous roads. Fucking infuriating that this occurs at all.

@bikepedantic Now that it was a hockey star he happened to be a fan of he realizes this is unacceptable? Better late than never I guess. Now when will he intervene to stop any state DOT from using federal funds to make a highway more dangerous for people outside cars?

@elliots @bikepedantic I’m not on Facebook but I wonder how many times he has posted about other examples.

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