
IME, all HR people seem to respond to email with a phonecall, and that greatly deepens my distrust of them.

Dear reader, i absolutely did respond by email, requesting that all communications be kept on the written record. I will not be effed over by another HR office.

@bikepedantic same. Any interaction that starts with one medium, often because I *chose* that medium for its efficiency and effectiveness, being returned via phone call, many times means the communication is likely to stop there. 🤷🏼‍♂️

@bikepedantic this call will be recorded for the purpose of replying to the original email, and providing a transcript.

@bikepedantic Phone call = no paper trail. If this is an important HR interaction, it’s generally a good idea to send an email with a summary of what was discussed on the call to the person who called you so there is a paper trail again.

@afternoont @bikepedantic Yep. If the phone call is to clarify part of your request so the written response is full/conplete/etc. that is OK. But it should not replace something on the record, even without the added reason of their screwing you over before.

@bikepedantic Recently I shared my phone number with an HR person, and he called me about 9 times to double-check everything I wrote in the application. I just don't get it.

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