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I am angry that the lesson being taken from Hoboken NJ is "daylight intersections," and not "daylight intersections on single-lane one-way streets, and not don't too many cars in dense cities."

USDOT National Roadway Safety Strategy launches Call to Action

“Today we are issuing a national call to action and asking all Americans—including private industry, non-profit and advocacy organizations, and every level of government—to join us in acting to save lives on our roadways.” --Secretary Pete

Why is it "Company X missed expectations by Y%" and not "Expectations about Company X were off by Y%"?

It's like if you show me a jar with 90 marbles in it and ask me how many are in there and I say 100, then claim the jar failed to meet my expectations.

Cool job: Director of Design & Creative Placemaking with the National Endowment for the Arts in DC. Apps due 2/8

Finally remembered the password to this thing… Might try out Ivory soon.

How much is an MBTA commuter rail fare relative to the distance you'd otherwise have to drive? I ran an analysis for the whole system:

Hey, current meeting: Don't make me drop "Hold paramount the safety, health, and welfare of the public" in the chatpod again

I'm basically doing a last-ditch plea for people still on Twitter to at the very least create an account somewhere other than Twitter and migrate their follows over to it before the APIs shut down

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New report: faster and more reliable buses on North Mass Ave

:mbta_bus:​ MBTA 77
▶️ Harvard 💨 Faster by 31% in AM
▶️ Arlington 💨 Faster by 40% all day

⌚Bus reliability (that is travel time variability) from Cameron to Churchill
2019: 45s to 5mins
2022: 30s to 45s

‼️​ Reduced from ~300s to 45s at the worst trip

Here's what i posted. Copy/adapt/RT/QT as you please.

You're not frogs, you know the water's warming up.

The twitter API change will likely kill free tools that find Mastodon accounts for your POCs here.

If you ever thought, "Maybe I'll get a mastodon spot sometime," it's time. Get an account and run this:

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So folks are saying that the Twitter free API shutdown is going to kill migration tools like Debirdify (which I used and loved).

I'm going to run it once more, but more importantly... now is the time to dust off your old twitter account, make sure your friends and colleagues still on twitter know about these tools, and make one last push to get them to establish a mastodon account.

Some other faraday owner has likely paid about this much for a replacement battery pack alone

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!