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For students or recent graduates interested in #MobilityJustice, #TransportationEquity, these paid internships with the Active Transportation, Multimodal Planning & Transportation Safety divisions at @wsdot could be a good opportunity. Deadline next week.

Reconnecting Communities grant award list is live.

Planning grants for Boston (Reconnecting Chinatown) and North Adams (Route 2 Overpass Study)

Six capital project awards in the pic below:

That thing where homeowners take up torches and pitchforks over property tax increases that, taken alone, would amount to very minor and highly reasonable rent increases in the same market.

On 3/7 at 6pm, #MassDOT will hold a public information meeting for the Alewife Brook Parkway Superstructure Replacement Project. Register for the meeting, submit public comment, and sign-up for project updates:

The headline feature on this one might be the battery that integrates into the downtube, which looks super clean, and the blue color option, which we know from science, is faster.

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Belmont is keeping the separated bike lanes on concord avenue ! 3-0 vote in favor from the Selectboard, this is very exciting

📌 RT: @CambMA is looking for volunteers to serve on the Planning Board. This is *the* most important board Cambridge has, with enormous influence on zoning and development. There's also a $6K/year stipend - please apply and share!⤵️

🐦🔗 :

#CambMA #Mapoli

INBOX: @USDOT has awarded a $2 million planning grant to the @ReConnect_Rondo project in St. Paul.

Proponents hope to build a lid over I-94 in St. Paul with park space and buildings that would tie together the historically Black neighborhood the freeway split in two

Kid grabs my phone, starts scrolling through notifications, declares, “You have eleven people who hate you.”

I'm part of A Better Cambridge, a pro-housing organization in Cambridge, MA; and each election year, our IEPAC works to elect better City Council Candidates.

The first step on the path: We need to buy into VAN, the campaign software we used to knock 5000 doors and send mail to ten thousand plus Cantabrigians last year.

The sooner we get there, the better.

Can you help me out?

(I want people to prove to me that Mastodon is better than Twitter for this!)

#Ford is not having a good PR day today. A big #Bloomberg investigation revealed its much lauded F-150 Lightning electric pickup truck was made with aluminum from Brazil's Amazon rainforest.

This isn't to throw shade at EVs but rather shows the challenges of ethical sourcing of raw materials to make a product with insatiable, overwhelming demand.

I just realized: With Tom Brady (ugh) out of professional football, so is Gen-X. Next oldest is Jason Peters, born 1982.

The Penn Ave SE bus platform/raised bike lane construction has literally turned the corner. All westbound platforms are done and the first eastbound platform is underway. This means projected bike lanes blooming soon! #BikeDC #BusDC @bikedc

So. A Texas* school superintendent** went to the restroom in a school and left his gun*** in the stall by mistake.

It was found by students. No one was harmed. Parents were mad.

Happily it was not a copy of "And Tango Makes Three" or some other bit of subversive literature. Then there might have been real danger.

um. what the heck are we doing in this country?

* Is anyone surprised?
** Leadership.
*** This whole sentence is messed up from top to bottom and shouldn't exist.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!