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What’s staggering about this is that CARB says we have to reach “per capita [vehicle miles traveled] reduction of at least 25 percent below 2019 levels by 2030” to meet California’s climate goals.

Yet here we are in Berkeley spending *more than five years* arguing about bike lanes on *a 1.5 mile stretch of road*, with no resolution in sight. We have no other major bike lane or BRT projects underway, no positive trends in mode shift, and seven years left to hit that VMT goal.

We lack urgency.

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The Globe is on fire with housing issues today! From today's op-ed re business fighting @wutrain's rent stabilization proposal:

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Took kid for her first-ever jog yesterday and she actually did good with pacing. We are both achy today.

Best line i've heard on SNL in awhile...

This gym is so classy it should be called a james

The glitchiest thing here for me has been following/followers. Feels like I follow someone, and it doesn’t register. Or something gets borked during migration. Or following/follower tags when you look at a profile are unreliable. Or or or.

Anyway, if you think I should follow you, let me know. If you think I followed them unfollowed you, I probably didn’t, let me know.

@alfredtwu Growing up in Los Angeles, I remember when my dad worked in the Dept of Transportation before it was swallowed by the LAPD. There was a slew of uniformed traffic officers on Cushman scooters who handled traffic stuff - parking tickets, moving violations, directing traffic. Everything was fine.

Then it became a unit within the LAPD. And that's when it got janky. And scary. He quit soon after that.

Accessible design is universal design. Maintaining for accessibility helps ensure access for everyone.

Real talk: It is intimidating being a mediocre dad in Cambridge, and that is extra true in a Harvard museum.

Other parents: Detailed conversations with their eager engaged smart kids about science and animals and the world

Me: Trying to stifle a giggle as my milestone-lagging incurious 6.5 year old squats down, pantomiming laying an ostrich egg.

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Virginia is for mappers indeed! Join us at State of the Map US in Richmond from June 8-11th. Be sure to check out the website for early bird tickets, call for proposals, and more:

#OpenStreetMap #StateoftheMapUS #SOTMUS2023

Boooo to the mega-site redeveloper who couldn’t be bothered to clear their adjacent connection to the Linear Trail

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@bikepedantic My old city has had good results with their municipal snow removal pilot and they expanded it this winter. It covers ~20% of the cities streets, mostly major streets and retail corridors, but they only do it for snowfalls of 2” or more. I would love to see a similar effort here.

They also have a large snow melt system for the downtown area, which is common in West Michigan, but I don’t recall seeing them used in New England.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!