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And yes, I will absolutely stipulate that your homemade hummus is better/healthier/cheaper. I am a trash person who only puts trash in my body, talking to my fellow trash people.

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Unsolicited recommendation: If you, like me, like cheap store-bought trashy-creamy hummus, Target’s house-brand hummus is so good.

A weird unforeseen undesirable side effect of twitter going full proud boy is that I started spending a bit of time on Facebook

Pleased to report that the check apparently arrived, and my retirement dreams survive another day

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dream bike for me - Blue Bullitt with front hub e-motor and classy AF battery under the cargo box. Looks like an Alfine internal gear hub. $4K in Portland OR, dangit

i've done a lot (A LOT) of complaining about the various heartless bureaucracies of death, but you know who's been surprisingly easy, prompt, accountable, straightforward, and even pleasant to deal with? My local Social Security Administration branch office.

"When the stakes are highest, rely on Louis DeJoy" said no one ever

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Checking online bank portal several times a day to see if the *paper check* from one bank to another rolling over a big IRA has arrived safely yet.

This seems like an imperfect process with a rather high cost of failure.

Just a reminder that you can save 10% on all apparel orders in our store now through May 31. Use code BIKEMONTH at checkout.

Addictive urges 

Kid is in the bathtub, I’ve got a few quiet minutes, and all I want to do is sit on my front porch and smoke

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Addictive urges 

Like twice every year, I have an absolutely consuming need for a cigarette. Tonight is that night.

Hello nice people,
We’re trying it out here. Now we’re not here to stay in our own echo chamber. We’re an advocacy group.
What we want and need is to spread the word out on liveable cities, streets for people of all ages and abilities, school streets etc. We need to show people everybody benefits from people friendly spaces, healthier, more inclusive environnement.
If you like what we post, relay our message beyond the #OttBike circle.
We’re learning here. Thank you for your help. 🚲

This is a big one, I hope you'll read it. I spent months following one of the first people forced to give birth thanks to Dobbs and the fall of Roe v Wade. Lationna Halbert wanted another child, but not under these circumstances. Now she faces an extreme risk of poverty, debt, and having to put her life's dreams on hold in Mississippi, a state that ranks dead last in how much support it offers pregnant people and new parents.

Broadway in #CambMA (Eco-Totem)
923 riders on Sun May 21

97 percentile of Sundays in May

If I email you about a prickly matter where we’re all best served by keeping everything on the written record, an immediate phone call response tells me that you are 99% going to try to do me wrong.

my blue-sky idea is buses in exclusive lanes every 3 minutes.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!