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Induced demand is real, Vol. 42: "Our results suggest that increasing network capacity is in general not an efficient solution to manage [motor vehicle] congestion, in the sense that the average travel speed in the network does not increase substantially with an increase in capacity."

"Tech" isn't a monolith. So this whole gripe is a bit of a fallacy.

But when dummies like me are hard-rebooting their rokus, still dealing with blue-screens-of-death, and can't get automatic faucets to actuate, we can't help but wish that the fictional "tech" monolith came close to perfecting the things that it has delivered, before it tries to replace all human creativity and adaptation.

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In my normie experience, there’s no tech that is glitch-free. I can live with glitches like “we only get to watch the upper northwest quadrant of this disney movie until I manually futz with the settings.”

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So AI is gonna do the thinking, researching, and driving for us, but my Roku can’t consistently display at a resolution that matches my unchanging television. Coolcoolcoolcoolcool.

According to Cambridge city staff at tonight's Hampshire St. meeting, bike volumes are twice car volumes in recent traffic counts along the corridor.

#BikeBos #CambMA

1. The US murder rate is down an 12% year-to-date, based on 90 cities that have released data.

If the trend holds it will be the single largest annual decline in the murder rate ever recorded.

And yet, you probably haven't heard anything about it.


The “A Better Cambridge Independent Expenditure Political Action Committee” (phew) is hosting a backyard pizza party fundraiser July 9, 4-6pm, and their contribution tier names are darling.

(I gotta consult the family calendar, but am likely going, say hi if you’re there)

Learned today that the dog is like 20% calmer in the cargobike with the rain tent up

One of the googly eyes on my cargobike has a broken cover, and I just noticed that rainwater accumulated in it

Can’t shake the sadness that my cargobike is crying now.

Between cargobikes and delivery services, we’ve eliminated the typical American weekly supermarket visit as a necessary reason to own a car for a lot of folks

Funny how strangers passing each other in boats always wave at each other but never anywhere else, maybe because it’s almost exclusively white people in ‘play hard’ mode?

At a Father’s Day gathering in exurban Mass and took a poll: 10 of 11 adults (who all live in exurbs like Raynam) say they would live in walkable places like Camberville if they were more affordable.

Some part of the US obsession over helmets is about submission and power

@bikepedantic behold, the spot where Rebecca fell in the water, photo taken by me last month. (The bike lane was fake).

S3E6 chatGPT could not have delivered five minutes of television more perfectly tailored to my interests and tastes

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S3E5 I liked the early Roy-Sam mentor-protégé dynamic in S1, and then they just sort of forgot about it, til this nice moment. Roy going around the locker room, fist bumping everyone and saying things like “maim them,” and then gets to Sam…

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