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New from FHWA - Crosswalk Marking Selection Guidebook, to help localities make decisions on where the use of high-visibility designs can have a safety impact. Incorporates new(ish) research on yielding rates for hi-viz crosswalks on two-lane uncontrolled crossings.

Sometimes, the best treatment for what ails you is a fresh shipment of bike parts

My kid sings along with “If I Had A Million Dollars” in the cargobike now

Sitting within my nonconforming setback, watching kids ride by on my street, in my good place

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but what if I see a free teak cafe table sitting curbside while I’m hauling the week’s groceries home

I really didn’t like Jimmy Buffett’s music, but my wife did, we had so many joking conversations about this that would end with her drowning out my complaints with an off-key loud rendition of ‘Cheeseburger in Paradise’

Got a free afternoon, should i wheel the cargobike down to Allston to do some xmas shopping?

Started rewatching The Good Place. I still can’t believe that this show made it to air on network TV. Such an AppleTV show nowadays.

Yay! It’s another Cargo Bike Test Drive Event, Sunday Sept 24, 10AM-Noon at Danehy Park in Cambridge! Tell your cargobike-curious neighbors!

Whenever we see people, no matter how evil, get made fun of for suffering a health condition...

...such as sudden episodic aphasia...

...some of us imagine our own loved ones who've suffered the same symptoms being mocked the same way.

Local news highlighting offices adding massage parlors, nap rooms, and golf simulators to lure workers back to the office.

Want me back in the office? Count my commute time as work time. That’s it. That’s all.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!