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@crschmidt Living in Neighborhood 9 among the townie working class and tony Avon Hill folks I see soooo many signs for the “common sense” anti-AHO crowd. I know there aren’t many of them compared to the city population, but they’re all gonna vote. Whip your neighbors, Cantabrigians, because the backlash to AHO and bud/bike infra is LOUD.

Mass Ave Bridge NB
3338 riders on Thu Sep 14

New record for weekdays in September!

That feeling when you're doing karaoke, there's a long instrumental break in your song, and you're not quite sure what to do with yourself up there? That's me, all the time.

I wanna brag and shout out @inliuofjoan and myself (and others!) for the intersection of Franklin and Pearl street in #EastSomerville - the initial pearl street reconstruction plan included no treatments for this intersection which leads to two schools and a corner store. We advocated for a raised crossing, and now that it’s in, driver yield compliance has improved markedly! #safestreets #somerville #infrastrucure #walkablecities

A Better Cambridge has announced their endorsements for City Council. Incumbents Burhan Azeem, Marc McGovern, Sumbul Siddiqui, Denise Simmons have been endorsed; newcomers Adrienne Klein, Joe McGuirk, Frtanz Pierre, Jivan Sobrinho-Wheeler, and Ayesha Wilson have also received the endorsement.

If housing is your number 1 priority, these are the folks you want on your ballot this fall.

Hey everyone!

I want to attract more quality Fedizens to Mastodon. And I hear, time and time again, they would join *if there were sports*

Let's make it happen!

I created @mastodonsports as a hub for anyone who wants to live blog / toot a game.

Let me know if you want to join our collective!

Right now we are covering the NFL heavily but all sports are welcome.

PLEASE boost to get this moving!!

and follow:

"Nimbee attended the recent protest against bike lanes in Washington, DC"

submitted by u/romrelresearcher

You may recall me sharing a shorter document a few months ago that summarized this paper in a slightly more digestible format. Here that it again:

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Full report on "Developing Crash Modification Factors for Separated Bicycle Lanes" has been posted by FHWA.

Dramatic and significant crash rate reductions when 'traditional' bike lanes are upgraded with buffers and delineators.

When you’re a widow, the good place series finale hits hard

Guys biking through Inman / Hampshire / Beacon is WILD

Pallets delivery by #cargobike in Central Munich.

Munich has recently opened a cargo bike hub to help distribute goods by bike as the city has the highest density of parcel deliveries in Germany.
A specially designed cargobike can carry full pallets weighing up to 300kg to supply shops in the city center.
Despite doubts from logistics associations, the startup B4B Logistics believes bikes can replace trucks for inner-city delivery.
The competitive advantage comes from
a. how close to destination one can park
b. speed of unloading

PSA: Your dreary workday needs you to play "Badlands" by springsteen right now, you're welcome.

Selfish, but I’ll probably always think of 9/11 as six days before I met my wife

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!