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I'm seeing a lot of people on Mastodon using the Windows Recall controversy to advocate that folks switch to Linux. As a practical matter I can't completely divorce myself from Microsoft as there are quite a few Windows-only applications that I use, but I have been accessing them via Remote Desktop from a mid-2015 MacBook Pro for almost a decade now, and I'm open to the idea that a Linux laptop could replace it. Is anyone on here doing that already, and if so, how's it going for you?

Remembering Alan Turing, died on 7 June 1954, victim of prejudice and ignorance 💔 He was a mathematician, logician, cryptanalyst and computer scientist and is widely considered to be the father of computer science and artiticial intelligence. He was also homosexual in a time when homosexuality was illegal. After his conviction he was given a choice between chemical castration and prison. He chose chemical castration, and later chose to kill himself.

rant about family BS 

oh and the family member in question has kids of her own. So it's not like this is about "it never occurred to me because I'm not a parent". No, it's more of an "I don't need to respect this person or try to understand what they're going through so i'm not even going to try" thing. if anything I feel like my childless friends are more considerate about it

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rant about family BS 

leaving your house that is 7+ hours of holiday and bad weather driving away from me at 10AM such that you're guaranteed to show up and expect to be fed and given a bed and not have to meaningfully interact with the kids (who have been asking all day when you are arriving and who you even are since you've been avoiding them for years and why do we have to clean up for them) is f*cked up

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rant about family BS 

as a parent, my life is 90% about my kids, and when my wife is out of town for work that rises to 95% or more. So if you are a family member, and you invite yourself over to our house while I'm solo parenting, you had better f*cking do so in a way that makes their lives better not worse. And bear in mind that making me run around nagging them to clean up while I run around cleaning up after them is already making it worse, so you're playing catch-up.

The business prospects of Trump Social aren't good. But it's getting a chance because it's being propped up by MAGA investors.

This should have happened with Air America, the progressive radio network that was cancelled after barely existing. There are many other instances of this, sadly.

The left must do better at supporting its own content creators. /end

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“In one of those moments that you can’t believe is not satire, Antony Blinken met with Arab-American leaders and warned them that if Palestine got statehood, the US would defund the United Nations and potentially the World Food Program, plunging the developing world into starvation. It wasn’t enough for these fascists to starve innocents in Palestine, they’re now threatening to do it across the world. They would really rather kill millions more than stop doing genocide.”

Never forget that when Seoul, Korea removed the Cheonggyecheon expressway in 2003 and replaced it with a restored stream, 1000 acre park and improved transit, not only did it transform the city’s public life & economic success, but the traffic got better.

The traffic got BETTER.

I'm pleased to announce the public availability of OLAF, an ultra-minimalist Python script for building land use allocation models.

Many software implementations of land use allocation microsimulation tend to be overwrought and/or tied to particular urban theories, yet they also tend to have commonalities that can be distilled down to a few basic elements. This script focuses on those commonalities and leaves the rest up to the discretion of the model developer.

2020: Microsoft sets goal to be carbon negative by end of the decade.

2023: Microsoft's emissions are 30% higher than in 2020.

Main cause? The relentless push to meet AI demand, which requires new data centers built out of carbon-intensive steel, cement, chips.

What good is AI if you don't have a planet to use it on?

Microsoft released its 2024 Sustainability Report on Wednesday, and it's mostly bad news. Last year, Microsoft's emissions went up 29%, and it used 23% more water, primarily due to "new technologies, including generative AI."

The Great Lying Machine is eating our environment and spewing out toxic misinformation. Big Tech has become a clear and present danger to all our futures.

Tokyo has BBBase, a train designed for road cyclists to take their bikes out of the city for a ride.

It has big, comfortable seats and special racks for road bikes.

I am an old white guy with no bicycle. I'm sure everyone is wondering what the heck I'm doing on this train on an early Saturday morning. 😂

Bullet 1: Led by Netanyahu, Israel has killed 14,000 children, and 9,000 women in Gaza. And now Netanyahu ends press freedom by shutting down media and seizing their equipment.

Bullet 2: ICC prepares arrest order of Israeli leaders for their actions, and Netanyahu calls it a lasting stain on justice.

The Israeli people deserves better leaders.

I know the joke for May 4th is May the Fourth Be With You.

I prefer Metaphors Be With You.

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A Mastodon instance for transportation professionals!