Went out of my way just to enjoy this nice new crossing on Mitchell Road.

Still some awkwardness where the two-way cycling becomes one-way (behind the pedestrians) but it’s a very quiet street over there so it’s probably ok.

also I'm not at all sure that drivers are actually required to give way here under current NSW law; but in this case ignorance is a positive & the design is successful in conveying the intent that they should give way, and they do.

@jroper in the UK, they brought a new rule into the highway code that says pedestrians and cyclists have priority over cars turning into and out of side roads. However... In practice... I'm not arguing with a tonne of metal. And most drivers don't seem to have read the highway code.


@vespasianvs yeah we have that one already but no one knows about it so often you’re taking your life in your hands to assert it… Design helps though, eg continuous/raised footpaths.

@jroper I'm trying to persuade my local council to at least put some paint down... Just to remind drivers.

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