Went out of my way just to enjoy this nice new crossing on Mitchell Road.

Still some awkwardness where the two-way cycling becomes one-way (behind the pedestrians) but it’s a very quiet street over there so it’s probably ok.

@jroper I like one-way cycleways in general, but I think this is one of the worst places to have one-way over two-way. When cycling from Ashmore Street to Belmont Street (and on to Sydney Park), you have to cross Harley Street to get on the eastbound cycleway, cycle for like 10m, then cross back over Harley Street to turn into Belmont Street (at a 4-way intersection where cars could be coming from any direction). It's better than no cycleway at all, but why do a 1-way *here*, of all places?

@SydneyCyclewaysFan yeah, another cyclist I saw was riding the wrong way on the westbound lane to do that. I pointed out the other lane to him in case he hadn’t noticed (who can predict what’s going on in this city) but he said he wasn’t taking it because he was turning right imminently… The lanes are a decent width so we passed easily, but two way might be better in this case.

Even if you’re going straight the offical ‘cycle route’ is the footpath to the right at McEvoy.


@SydneyCyclewaysFan (as you said indeed). Maybe it’ll work out in the long run though depending if there is a proper plan for McEvoy section…

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