I'm hoping someone can help me find an article I saw a few months ago and absolutely can't track down again. It was ~10 years old, and some sort of blog post. It had a very detailed (20+ items) list of questions to ask yourself about the impact on others of introducing new technology.

My company has realized that generative AI is here to stay, and put a pause on it's use until we can figure out how to use it safely and responsibly. That post was basically a giant list of all the things I'd like my leadership to be thinking about, and I'd like to share it.

Damned if I can find it again though. I had it favorited on another Mastodon instance that has since shut down.

#AI #Technology #Tech #UX

@KyleStewart Impact on others inside or outside the company? I used to teach a course on ethics in engineering that had a lot of readings about the latter. So while I don't know the blog post I could send something if you are interested in that.

@jroper I'd love any readings you have, though I did find the article. I work UX in education technology, and want us to fully consider the long term impact on students, instructors and librarians of any generative AI we use.

I'm concerned at the sheer volume of people jumping into utilizing generative AI without properly exploring the second-order effects.

@KyleStewart what was the article?

I just had a look and to be honest, I don't have that much coherent material to share. Mostly textbook chapters, my own notes and tutorial outlines about readings that were often a bit left-field (like about how the Amish choose what new technology to adopt - wired.com/1999/01/amish/). Maybe that was why it was such a good course, most of the integration happened in our heads.


@KyleStewart Thank you, that's very worth reading at length.

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