
Recent experience of posting a research survey on Mastodon & Twitter vs Linkedin: far more likes and shares/reposts on Linkedin, but more actual survey responses from Mastodon & Twitter. Unfortunately I didn't include a precise question on origin so I can't differentiate those two, but I'd be willing to bet that more are from Mastodon. I think it illustrates the more participatory mindset on Mastodon - vs Linkedin where people are participating with a producer/consumer mindset (cont)

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- either they think they're a very important content producer and that just resharing my survey to their many followers will surely be helpful. Or they're just looking for easily-digested entertainment, which my survey is not, beyond just whacking a 'like' on the general idea of it. On the plus side, Linkedin maintains visibility of something for much longer - responses are still trickling in, whereas the Mastodon & Twitter responses came very rapidly before disappearing off people's feeds.

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