
@dmoser I find it hard to conceive that the people in question wouldn't care if they understood how many people they are waking up/disturbing. Ie I often imagine someone could go to their house and explain the situation to them, perhaps with a petition from affected neighbours, rather than going straight to fines from the anonymous government apparatus.

But I may be projecting.... maybe they already know and they really don't care.

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@jroper @dmoser Projecting your good nature? Yep. In fact they’re the opposite — they get a little kick out of it. Sometimes a motorbike can idle by silently at 100 metres distance, then they see you before you see them — they make an explosive noise, see you jump, and before you can barely look up and look back, they’re gone

@jroper @Transportist @dmoser The world is simultaneously better & worse than you can know

The main thing is to know 🙂 because improvements *are* possible

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