In Tasmania, we have turned to @ridewithgps to create shareable, curated riding routes for @bicyclenetwork members and all riders really. We publish a highly curated set of enjoyable relatively safe routes via RWG's Ambassador Routes program. Check them out! #biketooter

@ridewithgps @bicyclenetwork @trailstash @jake Of course it would be great if the OSM maps were kept up to date and could offer reliable route guidance for riders. Does anyone know anyone working on this?

@tassiedi @ridewithgps @bicyclenetwork @trailstash Yep OSM cycling data is kept well up to date in Australia! Not only by many volunteers (such as myself) but state govs:

A blog post I wrote about the best cycling directions apps (slightly outdated but still relevent):

An OSM map of cycling infra in Hobart for example:


@jake I just shared that blog post yesterday with some friends complaining about Google cycle routing :) Very handy resource. Is there anything glaringly out of date about it, like a new top option? Or just some specific comments might have changed.

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